Mental Health

For Adults
For Children / Youth

When a child is struggling with their mental health, it can be difficult to know what to do or where to start. You are not alone.

CSG offers a wide variety of services that provide different levels of care in the setting that is most helpful to a child or adolescent on their path to mental wellbeing.

Case Management

This community-based care allows us to provide services in the home, school and community settings or at other designated locations convenient for the individual. Services include coordinating, linking, monitoring, accessing community services, recovery and resiliency planning and building a natural support network. 

Family-Based Mental Health Services

This home and community-based therapy addresses the systemic needs of children and adolescents at risk of being hospitalized or referred to out-of-home services. It is also intended to support and encourage transition back to the community after an out-of-home placement.

Intensive Behavioral Health Services

These are community-based services for children with intensive behavioral health needs and their families.

Outpatient Therapy and Psychiatry

Focuses on meeting your child’s specific needs and identifying a long-term treatment plan through Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT).

Residential Treatment Facility

The Residential Treatment Facility (RTF) service is a level of care designed for adolescents who are experiencing complex and severe emotional and behavioral disturbances that cannot be effectively treated in the community setting.

School Based Outpatient Therapy

This service is offered in partnership with local school districts to provide outpatient therapy to students within their school buildings and during their school day.

School-Based Partial Hospitalization Program

For children ages 13 – 21 whose needs cannot be met in a traditional classroom setting. A weekday program blends a multi-disciplinary team approach to treatment with educational and therapeutic services.

Specialized Transitional Age Resources

For Adolescents – A goal-oriented group program for 16-24-year-olds that focuses on creating educational and social opportunities.

Youth Firesetter Assessment Consultation Treatment Services (YFACTS)

A program designed to address the needs of children and adolescents who use fire inappropriately.

Other Services

Areas of Expertise:

  • Youth Firesetting Behavioral Therapy (YFACTS)
  • Eco Systemic Structural Family Therapy
  • Parent Child Interactive Therapy
  • Intensive Behavioral Health Services
  • Case Management
  • Transitional Age Services and Support

“My son has been with the CSG program for approximately 7 months. This is the longest consecutive length of time he’s had without a relapse for many years, and that’s very important because every relapse causes more damage. The staff focuses on his personal strengths and interests, and uses those to help him move towards recovery. Thank you.”