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Lifesharing | CSG


Lifesharing is a program that connects individuals living with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) with a caring person or family who opens their hearts and homes, creating a nurturing environment for them to share their lives. If you’ve been considering Lifesharing as a way to care for someone you know, or opening your home to someone you haven’t yet met, CSG can help.

A Journey Together

Lifesharing provides benefits to both the host family and the individual living in their care, in that they are both able to achieve a meaningful relationship they may have never imagined. Rather than place an individual with IDD in a group home or residence, Lifesharing gives them a stable and nurturing environment that is conducive to their needs. There are so many benefits to Lifesharing, below are a few that our program participants have shared with us. 

  1. Unconditional Support: Lifesharing goes beyond just providing a place to live. It fosters a genuine sense of family and belonging. Lifesharing hosts become trusted companions, often providing emotional support, guidance, and encouragement to an individual with IDD. Together, you build a lasting bond that enriches both your lives.
  2. Personal Growth and Development: By welcoming an individual with IDD into your home, you create an environment that promotes and supports independence, self-confidence, and learning essential life skills. It allows both partners to celebrate progress and milestones they achieve together with your help, or independently.
  3. Community Integration: Lifesharing encourages active participation and inclusion within the community. Together, you can explore recreational activities, cultural events, and social gatherings. Individuals living with IDD can form meaningful connections and develop a strong support network in addition to their Lifesharing partners.

Start Your Lifesharing Journey

If you or someone you know might be interested in learning how you can embrace the joy of sharing experiences and creating cherished memories together, contact us today at (877) 907-7970.