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May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental Health Awareness Month was first formed in 1949 with the intent to educate and raise awareness when it comes to mental illness. While there are still stigmas today surrounding mental health, there have been major strides towards improvement as 1 in 5 people will struggle with mental illness at some point in their lives.

While a lot of efforts to stay healthy in light of COVID-19 have been focused on physical health, checking up on our mental health during this pandemic has become increasingly important as well. Feelings of anxiety, fear, isolation, and loneliness brought on by the novel coronavirus can be detrimental to mental health and negatively impact overall healthy living. Combating these mental health obstacles is essential to our wellness.

With nicer weather right around the corner, it is important to take time outside as many of us have been confined to our homes for the past few weeks. Connecting with family and friends via technology can help to combat some of the feelings of isolation and loneliness. Creating space to have time alone is crucial as well, as a significant number of us live with roommates, spouses, partners, or children that can make space a limited commodity. 

Here at CSG, we care about your mental well-being and offer resources dedicated to mental wellness.  If you find that you or someone in your family has been struggling with their mental health and would like to receive counseling on concerns such as stress management, anxiety, or depression, please contact us.